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2024 Will See The Rise Of Specialized Clouds | Predictions By Zeet


Guest: Johnny Dallas (LinkedIn)
Company: Zeet (Twitter)
Show: 2024 Prediction Series

Zeet is a CI/CD and deployment platform for Kubernetes and cloud-native applications. The platform helps teams deploy and operate their cloud infrastructure as efficiently as possible, ensuring they have the best developer productivity, high-quality security, and high availability of the infrastructure. Johnny Dallas, CEO and Co-Founder at Zeet, shares his predictions for 2024.

2024 will see the rise of specialized clouds, whether it is Akamai Cloud specializing in network security, GPU-centric cloud, or front-end clouds. We are seeing cloud providers focus on specializing in one area, rather than trying to be a cloud provider doing everything.

AI is still a hot topic and is expected to disrupt every industry. When we look at it from a DevOps and cloud infrastructure perspective, we are seeing the fields of MLOps and LLMops look at how to do AI at scale and what the right operations around these new AI paradigms are. 2024 will see a new level of maturity in these fields, perhaps even to the level of DevOps.

One of the areas of AI where we are likely to see a lot of innovation is AI being used to write code. Zeet predicts that as much as 80% of codebases will be written by AI and there will be a five to 10x increase in the average size of the codebase. New tools will be needed to handle the increased size of codebases.

However, even with this push for new tools and technologies one of the challenges many teams will deal with is budget. They will need to look to scale using tooling rather than headcount. To do more with the same resources or less, they will need to find creative solutions to accomplish their business goals. Tools, platforms, and making use of AI will be used to abstract away some of the work that would otherwise have been manual.

Zeet will be focusing on customers in the coming year and ensuring they are solving the most pressing problems for them. Particularly since some of Zeet’s customers will be under budget constraints where they are trying to do more with less, they must maintain a close relationship with them and keep the flow of communication going.

This summary was written by Emily Nicholls.