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Applitools Launches Self-Healing Execution Cloud For Open-Source Test Frameworks


Applitools, provider of the next generation test automation platform powered by Visual AI, has announced the Applitools Execution Cloud. The cloud-based testing platform with built-in self-healing capabilities enables engineering and testing teams to run existing tests against an AI-powered test infrastructure.

Applitools’ Execution Cloud self-healing capability intelligently heals broken tests as they run, reducing flakiness and execution time. Small changes to the UI, or misused element locators that would normally fail a Selenium test, can heal themselves. With this self-healing technology, testing teams never have to worry about flaky tests or test failures again.

The Applitools Execution Cloud detects and fixes issues continuously, ensuring tests always run smoothly and reliably. It is designed to be completely scalable and affordable so teams can test as much or as little as needed, without worrying about performance issues or bottlenecks.

Key features and benefits of the Applitools Execution Cloud include:

  • Built-in self-healing capabilities automatically heal existing tests
  • Avoid test flakiness caused by UI refactoring and deliberate UI changes or dynamically generated UI that frequently changes or faulty locators
  • Reduce time and effort required to maintain test scripts
  • Increase overall test efficiency, allowing developers and testers to focus on critical tasks
  • Compatible with popular open source frameworks like Selenium and WebdriverIO and can run existing tests without requiring code changes
  • Scalable, affordable and flexible, supporting a wide range of testing scenarios, including customer-facing applications and internal applications behind the firewall