Cloud Native ComputingDevOpsFeaturedTFIR InsightsVideo

Challenges Organizations Face When Moving To The Cloud | Volterra


[su_note note_color=”#e4e4e4″ text_color=”#000″ class=”hvr-grow”] We believe that cloud services are going to be the “dial-tone” of every modern organization and we are determined to deliver “universal cloud access”. From the inception of the company, we have been innovating on a broad set of cloud services that give you the flexibility to build your own distributed cloud across multiple cloud providers or your own edge locations.[/su_note]

Volterra helps developers and DevOps teams build, operate and provide the fastest and the most secure way to deliver their apps across any environment. In this episode, we discussed some of the challenges the companies face as they embark on their cloud-native journey.

“The cloud-native movement is not only about technology, it’s also about culture change and about the entire company’s movement,” said Jakub Pavlík, Director of Engineering – Volterra.

Topics covered include:

  • As organizations are moving on with their digital transformation journey to embrace cloud native, what are some of the major or primary challenges that they face?
  • Which one is a bigger challenge – the people or technology?
  • Security challenges organizations face when they move to the cloud.