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CloudCasa Announces GKE Support At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Detroit


Guest: Martin Phan (LinkedIn, Twitter)
Company: CloudCasa (Twitter)

In this episode of Let’s Talk, recorded at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Detroit, I sat down with Martin Phan, Field CTO of CloudCasa, to talk about the company’s focus on data protection support for cloud providers.

At the event, CloudCasa announced its support for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). “We have rounded out the three main players that probably encompass about 80% of the market share within managed Kubernetes services in the cloud,” said Phan.

Phan said that their focus remains on making their solutions as simple to adopt as possible in order to lower the barrier of entry and enable customers to have back-up and data protection as part of their core strategy.

Check out the in-depth discussion in the video above.