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CloudCasa by Catalogic Simplifies Kubernetes Data Protection | Martin Phan


Guest: Martin Phan (LinkedIn)
Company: CloudCasa by Catalogic (Twitter)
Show: Let’s Talk

With many organizations moving to the cloud, data protection is critical to enable migration, debugging, and test development. Cloudcasa by Catalogic has seen the key trends of Kubernetes and Velero adoption, and how it affects the data protection landscape. In addition to fully supporting Velero, the company has recently added a self-hosting option to its portfolio for those who are not able to take advantage of SaaS.

In this episode of TFiR: Let’s Talk, Martin Phan, Field CTO at CloudCasa by Catalogic, talks about how the company is helping organizations with their data protection needs. He goes on to discuss some of the challenges customers are experiencing and how CloudCasa is helping to address these problems.

Key highlights from this video interview:

  • Phan tells us they have been meeting a lot of customers looking to do backups and migrations of their Kubernetes at KubeCon.
  • Phan tells us that a lot of the use cases for data protection that they are seeing are due to migration, debugging, and test development. He explains that being able to take a snapshot copy of the clusters, spin them up anywhere, and migrate them to any managed cloud service provider is going to improve the flexibility of the use case.
  • Some of the pain points CloudCasa is seeing with its customers are the intricacies of restoring or migrating an application. Phan discusses how more people want to protect those applications and ensure their restore ability.
  • Phan discusses how CloudCasa is helping to solve some of these problems saying that they have piggybacked off of Velero, the open-source backup program for Kubernetes and to build that into their own CloudCasa port. He talks about their introduction of a self-hosted option for CloudCasa, which previously was delivered exclusively as SaaS.
  • Not all users have the ability to connect to CloudCasa’s SaaS, which is why they have launched the option of hosting CloudCasa in their own environment. Phan discusses their target audience for this announcement and shares some of the use cases they are seeing. He talks about the reasons behind the self-hosted option.
  • Phan talks about some of their partnerships including a recent announcement about CloudCasa’s ability to support Azure Container Storage from Microsoft. He discusses how it extends the migration use cases a customer may have.
  • Phan discusses the ecosystem saying the adoption of Valero has been increasing significantly and he talks about how the best way to get adoption was to provide an option that used the power of Velero but incorporated some of the functionality of CloudCasa.
  • Generative AI is a hot topic and Phan talks about how CloudCasa’s data protection solutions fit into Kubernetes, cloud-native applications, and databases. He talks about the transition to move stateful data.
  • Phan shares what he sees in the future from a data protection perspective, saying he expects more features and options. He feels that in the future CloudCasa may branch out to more cloud vendors and cloud object storage, and there to be a wider range of options to enable users regardless of their hosting environment.

This summary was written by Emily Nicholls.