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Dynatrace Report Highlights Challenges SREs Are Facing Today


Guest: Andreas Grabner (LinkedIn, Twitter)
Company: Dynatrace (Twitter)
Show: Let’s Talk
Keywords: SRE, SREs, Site Reliability Engineers, Site Reliability Engineering

Dynatrace has released the findings from its 2022 State of SRE report, which aims to provide insight into the role of site reliability engineers (SREs) and the key challenges they are facing.

In this episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sat down with Andreas Grabner, DevOps Activist at Dynatrace, to discuss the findings of the State of SRE Report: 2022 Edition and why the majority of those interviewed are still struggling with service level objectives (SLOs). Grabner says, “SRE is a culture change, which is ultimately about operating software systems better.”

Key takeaways from this video interview are:

    • The survey aimed to find out what SRE means to the participants of the survey and what were some of the key challenges they are facing. Dynatrace hopes that the insights will enable them to build products and tools to support SREs in solving their challenges.
    • 99% of those surveyed said they struggled with defining good SLOs and communicating the value of SLOs to their organization. Better education is needed to help SREs establish an SLO practice in organizations as well as on the success criteria for defining SLOs at scale in organizations.
    • SREs dedicate 66% of their time to reducing MTTR, mostly manually, with 60% of that time spent building and maintaining automation code. Trying to build automation on systems that hadn’t initially been built to be highly resilient is one of the contributing factors why SREs are struggling with automation.
    • SREs’ role should be coaching and mentoring developers to build resilient software by default with the right observability will ensure less problems in production later on.
    • SLOs need to be aligned with the top business goals first and then from there broken down into the individual backend services that are contributing to that business goal.
    • 68% of SREs expect their role to expand into security. SREs need to build security checks around their practices to avoid service attacks and compromises.

About Andreas Grabner: Andreas Grabner has 20+ years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect and is an advocate for high-performing cloud scale applications. He is a regular contributor to the DevOps community, a frequent speaker at technology conferences and regularly publishes articles on the Dynatrace blog. In his spare time you can most likely find him on one of the salsa dance floors of the world!

About Dynatrace: Dynatrace provides software intelligence to simplify cloud complexity and accelerate digital transformation. With automatic and intelligent observability at scale, our all-in-one platform delivers precise answers about the performance and security of applications, the underlying infrastructure, and the experience of all users to enable organizations to innovate faster, collaborate more efficiently, and deliver more value with dramatically less effort. That’s why many of the world’s largest organizations trust Dynatrace to modernize and automate cloud operations, release better software faster, and deliver unrivaled digital experiences.

The summary of the show is written by Emily Nicholls.

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Swapnil Bhartiya
Swapnil Bhartiya is a seasoned journalist and media personality. He is the founder, show-host and CEO of