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Making Cloud Foundry Extensible With Korifi


Guest: Chris Clark (LinkedIn
Organization: Cloud Foundry Foundation (CFF) (Twitter)
Show: Let’s Talk @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU

In this episode of TFiR: Let’s Talk recorded at the 2023 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in Amsterdam, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Chris Clark, Program Manager at Cloud Foundry Foundation (CFF), to talk about the Korifi project, the latest version that just came out, and where the Foundation itself is heading.

Cloud Foundry provides a highly efficient, modern model for cloud-native application delivery. The platform is also very opinionated with a heavy footprint. With Cloud Foundry on VMs, it is challenging to swap out one part for another.  

The latest platform from the Cloud Foundry Foundation is Korifi:

  • It is a simpler and more lightweight implementation of the Cloud Foundry.
  • It is much more extensible and composable. As new CNCF projects and other cloud technologies become mature, they can be incorporated into Korifi.
  • It has the Cloud Foundry API and CLI but deployed entirely within Kubernetes CRD-based backend.
  • It gives Kubernetes users that best-in-class Cloud Foundry developer experience, including CF push, while solving a lot of the Day 1/Day 2 problems with Kubernetes.
  • It can be deployed on your laptop quickly.

During the conference, it was announced that Korifi v0.7 is out, with:

  • notable improvements in logging and metrics
  • support for labels and annotations
  • automatic cleanup of unused resources
  • increased support for AWS.

VMware and SAP are still platinum members of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, and they’re the driving force behind most of the Cloud Foundry development. Both have been involved with Korifi as well.

What’s new/what’s ahead for CFF:

  • A new tutorials page, including one for Korifi, launched by CFF in conjunction with the Korifi dev team.
  • A Cloud Foundry Day event to be held in Heidelberg, Germany on June 21.
  • Promoting Paketo Buildpacks, which is getting quite a lot of traction with Kubernetes end users and other folks in the wider CNCF ecosystem.

This summary was written by Camille Gregory.