
Microsoft Azure customers now gain access to Portnox Cloud


Portnox, a provider of cloud-native, zero trust access control solutions, has announced the availability of Portnox Cloud in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Portnox customers can now take advantage of the productive and trusted Azure cloud platform, with streamlined deployment and management.

“We enjoy working closely with Microsoft and are very proud to be a Microsoft Gold Cloud Platform, a member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association, and now available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace as well,” said Portnox CEO Denny LeCompte. “We share Microsoft’s commitment to providing customers with the highest level of protection against cyber threats.”

“Microsoft welcomes Portnox Cloud to Azure Marketplace, where global customers can find, try, and buy from among thousands of partner solutions,” said Jake Zborowski, General Manager, Microsoft Azure Platform at Microsoft Corp. “Azure Marketplace and trusted partners like Portnox help customers do more with less by increasing efficiency, buying confidently, and spending smarter.”

The Portnox Cloud delivers cloud-native zero trust access control and cybersecurity essentials that enable agile, resource-constrained IT teams to proactively address today’s most pressing security challenges: the rapid expansion of permitter-less enterprise networks, the proliferation of connected device types, the increased sophistication of cyber-attacks, and the shift to zero trust.

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Monika Chauhan
Monika has over 15 years of varied experience in areas like content writing, editing, proof reading, corporate communications, and teaching as well. Through her authentic writing style, she has created well-researched, engaging, and valuable content for websites and publications in the technology, electronics and finance niches.