
Rancher 2.2 Released


Rancher Labs, a provider of container management software, has announced Rancher 2.2, the latest version of its container management solution. Rancher 2.2 helps DevOps teams focus on extracting business value from their applications instead of worrying about the infrastructure.

“As Kubernetes adoption grows exponentially, IT operators have been asking for an easy, reliable and repeatable way to provision, manage and support enterprise-grade Kubernetes clusters across on-premise and cloud infrastructures,” said Sheng Liang, CEO and co-founder of Rancher Labs. “The Rancher 2.2 GA has several capabilities to satisfy these requirements, including automated etcd backup and restore for disaster recovery, a multi-tenant catalog for greater privacy in sensitive projects, and the ability to create and manage global DNS to deliver highly available applications spread across multiple clusters.”

New features in the Rancher 2.2 GA include:

  • Global DNS: Provides public access to applications deployed in multiple clusters or multiple projects within the same cluster by automatically programming a hostname of services to public DNS. This release includes support for Route53 and AliDNS, with alpha support for CloudFlare. Support for additional providers is under development.
  • Cluster BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery): Perform scheduled and ad hoc backups of etcd from the Rancher UI, API, or the Kubernetes API, writing to local storage, NFS, or any S3-compatible object store. Users can initiate cluster restores from the Rancher UI, making it simple to include backups as a part of every cluster deployment.
  • Multi-tenant catalogs: With multi-tenant catalogs, users can isolate catalogs by cluster or project, providing granular isolation such that even the app names cannot be shared across projects.

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