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What Makes Linux Powerful Also Makes It Vulnerable | Ronald Nixon, Polyverse


Linux-based systems are considered to be ‘safer’ than other platforms, but they are not immune to bugs and attacks. These systems are as vulnerable to bugs and other attack vectors as are systems like Windows. Just a few weeks ago, we came across a ‘Sudo’ related vulnerability that was present in Linux systems for over a decade. Recently, we learned about DreamBus and FreakOut botnets that are attacking Linux systems. In a nutshell, while Linux-based systems are more powerful and offer more flexibility to users they are as vulnerable as any other system. To deep dive into Linux security, we sat down with Ronald Nixon, Vice President at Polyverse, to not only talk about these vulnerabilities but also how Polyverse actually makes Linux systems ‘really’ secure.

[su_note note_color=”#e4e4e4″ text_color=”#000″ class=”hvr-grow”]Polyverse develops leading-edge cybersecurity technology to build diversity across multiple system dimensions, stopping attacks before they start. Its technology is used by government and security-conscious organizations to mitigate against zero-day memory exploits. It is also embedded into devices, hardware and security solutions to provide the ultimate protection against hackers.[/su_note]